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June 30, Wednesday

12:00 PM GMT-5


Cómo portar tus cursos a Moodle usando SCORM

Nuestro próximo webinar estará dedicado a un tema imperecedero: Cómo crear un curso SCORM con iSpring!

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Si eres nuevo en la creación de cursos y aún te sientes un poco intimidado por el acrónimo SCORM, únete al webinar el miércoles, 30 de junio, y obtén respuestas a todas tus preguntas.


  • ¿Qué es un SCORM y para qué sirve?
  • Ventajas de usar SCORM.
  • Ejemplo práctico de cómo exportar desde iSpring Suite y subir a SCORM a Moodle.
  • Tips y recomendaciones.
  • ¡Verás que crear un curso SCORM con iSpring es muy fácil!

About the presenter

Ana Rosiris Castro

Diseñadora web y gráfico

Diplomada en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, Universidad de Cádiz. Experiencia en metodologías activas centradas en el trabajo activo del alumnado. Uso de TICs en entornos educativos. Gamificación. Uso del móvil con fines educativos. Estrategias pedagógicas utilizando redes sociales, uso responsable y gestión de identidad digital. Experiencia docente alumnado con minusvalía física.

By registering for this event, you confirm that you have read and agree to iSpring Privacy Policy and these terms & conditions.

See more webinars

April 18, Thursday
Anna Poli Instructional Designer at iSpring
LMSs for instructional designers: everything you need to know

Are you an instructional designer or eLearning developer looking to take your career to new heights? Do you want to equip yourself with the essential knowledge of Learning Management Systems (LMS) to ace your job interviews? Are you responsible for finding the right LMS solution for your company's training needs?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, this webinar is tailor-made for you!

Join us in this free webinar to expand your knowledge and become a confident instructional designer, well-versed in the world of Learning Management Systems. Whether you're seeking a new job or looking to enhance your skills, we’ve got you covered!

April 11, Thursday
Polly Shepard iSpring Genius and Tech Geek
AI-Powered Online Course Building: A Walk-through of iSpring Tools

Online course authoring was a distant dream just a few years ago. But now, more and more eLearning tools are going online, which opens up brand-new opportunities for design, collaboration, and showcasing eLearning projects.

iSpring Cloud stands out among them with a robust AI assistant and unique features, like a portfolio platform for instructional designers and a reviewing tool for online courses. 

Curious how it can benefit your workflow? Join us as we walk through all iSpring tools for online course authoring and share best practices for unleashing their full potential!

Please note: iSpring Cloud is an online tool, so even if you have a Mac, you can use it!

April 10, Wednesday
Tina Ross Tech Support Engineer
Elevate your eLearning: The PowerPoint & iSpring Suite Webinar Series

Introducing our new webinar series! Unlock the full potential of eLearning content creation by mastering the dynamic synergy of PowerPoint and iSpring Suite. Join us for a transformative journey as we empower you to design cutting-edge eLearning experiences!

During our informative series, iSpring experts will guide you through advanced content development in PowerPoint and iSpring Suite so you can start creating unique and impactful eLearning experiences on your own.

They say the devil is in the details but fear not – we will leave no stone unturned! We'll walk you through every button, every click, every setting you need to configure. Your authoring skills are sure to undergo a revolutionary transformation!
