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Can I sync a single audio file (narration) with a whole presentation?


You can synchronize the audio file with the entire presentation using PowerPoint tools or do it using iSpring Pro/iSpring Presenter.

To sync audio with a presentation using iSpring Pro or iSpring Presenter, follow the steps below:

  1. Insert an audio file in PowerPoint (Insert > Audio > Audio from File).
    When you insert an audio file, a sound icon appears on the slide.
  2. Click the sound icon to show the Audio Tools tab on the toolbar.
  3. Open the Playback tab on the Audio Tools and choose Play across slides from the drop-down list in the Audio Options pane.
  4. Click the Sync button on the iSpring toolbar to synchronize your audio with the slides.
    Your presentation will open in a new window.

  • Click Start Sync in the Synchronize Presentation Narration window.
    Your audio narration will start playing.
  • Click Next Slide/Next Animation, when necessary.
  • Click OK to complete the synchronization process.