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How to Add a SCORM Course into Absorb LMS

Absorb LMS has gone through compliance tests with iSpring learning courses and we can now confirm that it supports SCORM/AICC uploading and reporting. Check out how to create a learning package with iSpring.

Just follow this tutorial on how to get your SCORM package into Absorb LMS:

  1. 1 First things first, make sure that you role allows you to add files, create courses and have access to Admin dashboard.
  2. 2 Go to Courses to create a new course.
  3. 3 Select Add New and click on Import Course.
  4. 4 Select a format, choose a file and click on Submit to add a package.
  5. 5 It can take a few minutes to upload the package.

  6. 6 Once the package is uploaded, we recommend to set the course to be launched in a new window (popup) in Syllabus.
  7. 7 Enable Use Popup and set the window size.
  8. 8 When all settings are ready, click in Save on the right-hand menu.
  9. 9 Here is a launched course.

How to generate reports in Absorb LMS

  1. 1 Make sure that you have rights to generate reports and access to Reports.
  2. 2 Select Learner Activity to see general statistics for all or selected users.
  3. 3 Select Course Activity and select a course to see how users progress.
  4. 4 Select Assessments to see general statistics for courses with assessments.
  5. 5 Move the cursor on Actions to select Questions Report or Users Overview.
  6. 6 Question Report for SCORM 1.2 courses will not have questions text, as journaling is not supported.
  7. 7 At the same time, question messages will be displayed for SCORM 2004 quizzes.

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