Request: GET /enrollment

Permissions to Run the Request

 Account Owner, Account Administrators, Department Administrators, Publishers, or custom roles

Department Administrators, Publishers, and users with a custom role can get list of enrollments assigned to learners belonging to the departments they manage and their sub-departments.

You can get a list of enrollments of the entire account, certain learners, courses, or last two parameters together.

Request Headers



Authorization (required)Access token. You can obtain a token by making a request.
learnerIds (optional)

The IDs of the users whose enrollments you would like to get.

courseIds (optional)

The IDs of the courses which enrollments you would like to get.

Response Parameters



An array with enrollment data.
enrollmentIdThe ID of the enrollment.
courseIdThe ID of the course.
learnerIdThe ID of the user enrolled in the course
accessDateThe date the learner is supposed to start studying the course.
dueDate (optional)

Course completion date. This parameter appears in the response if a due date is specified.

expirationDate (optional)

Course completion date. This parameter appears in the response if a due date is specified and shouldLockAfterDueDate is equal to 1.


Possible values:

0 means that access is granted.

1 means that access is denied.

issuedCertificateIdThe certificate ID (token) from the list of enrollments.
certIssueDateThe date the certificate was issued.
certExpiryDateThe certificate’s expiration date.
enrollmentTypeGroupPossible values:

0 — assigned by an administrator

1 — added from the catalog

The date of issue and expiration of the certificate can only be received for active enrollments. When using this method, you cannot get the data for archived or deleted enrollments.

Response Code




200OKThe request has been successfully processed. The response body will contain data with the enrollments.
400Bad RequestA request error.
401UnauthorizedAn authorization error.
403Permission DeniedThe user doesn't have enough permissions to get a list of enrollments.

Sample Request

GET /enrollment?courseIds[]=146ac240-d54f-11e9-9b88-0a580af40973&learnerIds[]=00de7a40-deb5-11e9-8afe-0a580af40764 https/1.1
Authorization: p-1sJDjmULL5DdpXPJTcbm4jVIaWVHvNmrjAxATRbNE

Sample Request 2

GET /enrollment?courseIds=146ac240-d54f-11e9-9b88-0a580af40973,a2239d7c-0a37-11ec-b63a 0242ac140033&learnerIds[]=a59c152e-1603-11ec-872d-0242ac160034 https/1.1
Authorization: p-1sJDjmULL5DdpXPJTcbm4jVIaWVHvNmrjAxATRbNE

Sample Response

https/1.1 200 OK

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