Request: POST /enrollment/{enrollment_id}

Permissions to Run the Request

 Account Owner, Account Administrators, Department Administrators, Publishers, or custom roles

Department Administrators, Publishers, and users with a custom role can edit enrollments assigned to learners belonging to the departments they manage and their sub-departments.

Request Headers



Authorization (required)Access token. You can obtain a token by making a request.
enrollmentId (required)The ID of the enrollment you want to edit.
accessDate (required)The date and time when learners are supposed to start studying the course. If the start date and time aren't indicated, the current date and time will be auto-populated.
dueDateType (required)This parameter indicates if the course has a due date or it isn't time-limited. Possible values of the parameter are unlimited, default, due_date, due_period.
dueDate (required)This parameter is required if dueDateType is equal to due_date. 
duePeriod (required)

This parameter is required if dueDateType is equal to due_period. It is measured in hours.

lockAfterDueDate (required)

This parameter is required if dueDateType is equal to due_date/due_period. It indicated if the access to the course will remain open when the due date expires or will be locked.

Response Codes




200OKThe enrollment has been successfully edited.
400Bad RequestA request error.
401UnauthorizedAn authorization error.
403Permission deniedThe user doesn't have enough permissions to edit enrollments.

Sample Request

POST /enrollment/d48bd4fa-5b70-11e9-b12b-22e9fbac4a59 https/1.1
Authorization: p-1sJDjmULL5DdpXPJTcbm4jVIaWVHvNmrjAxATRbNE 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<accessDate>2019-09-26 10:30:00</accessDate>

Sample Response

https/1.1 200 OK