In this area, you can give your quiz a name, define its size, and set a time limit to complete the quiz. Below, you will find a detailed list of the main properties.


Quiz title

Type your quiz name here.

Slide sizeSelect the desired quiz screen dimensions in pixels from the menu:                
  • 720 x 540 pixels (4:3)
  • 960 x 540 pixels (16:9)
  • 960 x 600 pixels (16:10)

Or indicate a custom quiz size if necessary in the corresponding fields.

Note: The Slide size value defines only the slide size and does not include the player panels. When changing the size of your quiz, make sure that all texts and images on the slide are located properly. You can adjust them in the Slide View mode.

Time to complete the quiz

Select this checkbox to set a time limit to take the quiz. The countdown will start on the first question slide, after the user finishes reading the instructions and filling out the user info form.