You can update a group by sending the POST request to the following URL: /group/<group_id>.

Permission to run the request: Account Owner, Administrator, Organization Administrator. 

Request Headers

X-Auth-Account-Url (required)Base URL of the account, e.g.
X-Auth-Email (required)Administrator e-mail address.
X-Auth-Password (required)Administrator password.
X-Name (required)A name of the specified group.
X-Description (optional)A description of the specified group.
X-Users (optional)comma-separated list of user IDs to be added to the group.

After the request has been completed, the system returns the response with Code 200. The body of the response may contain the X-Excess-Users header with a comma-separated list of user IDs, who were not added to the group.


Possible Response Codes

404Unknown groupThe group with the specified name was not found.
403Permission deniedYou have no permission to edit the group info.
400Bad RequestThe system failed to process the request, because it did not contain all necessary parameters.
403A group with a given name already exists.A group with the specified name already exists.
200OkThe specified group has been updated.


Sample Request

POST /group/1 HTTP/1.1
X-Auth-Password: password
X-Name: Group Name
X-Description: description
X-Users: 1,2,3


Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close