The Reports tab on the top menu lists all reports grouped by the object. Choose any report by clicking on the corresponding link. You will be redirected to the Generate Report page.

Quiz Reports

This group includes reports that track quiz results. Each of these reports can be generated only for those presentations that contain quizzes.

Table 1. Quiz Reports



Score Results

This report shows quiz scores of users in a selected group for a certain date range.

Input: select a quiz, choose a user group from the drop-down menu, and specify a date range.

Report header shows a passing score, the number of passed/failed attempts, and the average score.

Report table contains names of users, who took quizzes, dates when they did it, their scores, and status of the attempt (completed or not).


Answer Breakdown

This report tracks answers selected by users in a certain group when they take a selected quiz for a defined data range.

Input: select a quiz, choose a user group from the drop-down menu, and specify a date range.

Report header shows a specified date range, a group, the number users in it, the number of passed/failed attempts, and the average score.

Report lists all questions in the selected quiz with correct answers (including their type and how much points a user earns if answered correctly) and statistics for each answer (the number and percentage of correct and incorrect answers).


Attempt Detail

This report shows answers of a selected user in a certain quiz.

Input: select a quiz, choose a user group and a single user from the drop-down menus.

Report header shows the name of a selected user, the passing score of a selected quiz, the number of correct and incorrect answers of the user, and user's score.

Report lists all questions in the selected quiz with correct answers (including their type and how much points a user earns if answered correctly), answers of the user, and the number of attempts to answer a given question.

Progress Achievement

In this table you can track progress of users.

Input: select a quiz, an organization and group.

Report header shows the name of a selected user, the group, the amount of content viewed.

Report table contains the whole amount of the content viewed by the users and allows to view a detailed statistics, including the answers given by user.

Assignment Results

In the report, you’ll see a complete breakdown of assignments pending approval, not started by the user, declined or approved by an instructor.

Input: select assignments, an organization and group.

Report header shows the total number of assignments pending approval, not started, approved or declined.

Report table contains the date, assignment title, user name, group, organization, assignment status and the number of attempts.

Content Reports

This group includes reports to track how users view your content.

Table 2. Content Reports




This report shows activities of your users with a given content item. Activities mean the following information:

What users viewed this content item and how (viewed to the end or only partially, how much time they spent on a given content item).

What users took quizzes embedded into this content item and their results (only for presentations with quizzes).

Input: select a content item, choose a user group from the drop-down menu, and specify a date range.

Report header shows a specified date range, the number of slides in a selected content item, how many users viewed it, and how many times users passed this quiz.

Report table contains names of users, who viewed a given presentation or quiz, their groups, dates when they did it, the number of times they viewed it and for how long.



This report provides information about views of a selected content item for a selected date range. You can compare the total number of views and the number of unique views (only one view per user) of a given content item.

Input: select a content item and choose a date range.

Graph draws two curves for the total and unique number of views.

Report table lists dates and the number of views (total and unique).


This report can be used to track how your users viewed a given content item for a specified date range. This report shows whether a users viewed this content item to the end or not (it also shows completion percentage).

Input: select a content item and choose a date range.

Report header shows the specified date range, the total number of slides in the selected content item, how many users completed this quiz, and how many users haven’t finished it yet.

Report table lists users and their progress.

Slide Views

This report tracks viewing times of each slide in your presentation for a selected user or the average view time for a user group as a whole.

Input: select a content item and then choose a user group and a single user from the corresponding drop-down menus.

Report header shows the total number of slides in the selected content item, how many times it has been viewed, and how many unique users viewed it.

Report table lists slides in the selected content item, their titles, the number of views (total and unique), and the average time spent for each slide.

Popular Content

This report shows ratings of all content items in your account by the number of views for a selected group or all groups for a selected date range.

Input: select a user group from the drop-down menu and specify a date range.

Report header shows the specified date range, the total number of content items in your account, the most popular content item, and the maximum number of views it collected.

Report table lists all content items with the number of views (total and unique).

Performance Summary

This report allows to track how users are progressing.

Input: select a content item, an organization and group.

Report header shows the specified date, content item, user, organization and group, the passing score for the course or test, the status, the number of slides viewed and time spent.

Report table lists the time spent and user's result.

Note: The report doesn't include data on learners' perfomance on the day it was generated. These data will appear in the report only next day.

People Reports

This group includes reports to track activity of users or user groups.

Table 3. People Reports



User Activity

This report shows the activity of a given user in the system. Activity means the following information: what content items were viewed and how (to the end or only partially, how much time they viewed a given presentation) and what quizzes were taken and with what results (passed or failed).

Input: select a user and specify a date range.

Report header shows the specified date range, the total number of views (for presentations and quizzes separately), and average activity (how many content items a given user views per day).

Report table lists viewed content items, dates when they were viewed, earned scores (for quizzes), and how long they were viewed.


Group Activity

This report shows the activity of a user group in the system. It resembles the "User Activity" report for one difference - it deals with a user group, not with a separate user.

Input: select a user group and specify a date range.

Report header shows the specified date range, the total number of views (for presentations and quizzes separately), and average activity (how many content items a given group views per day).

Report table lists viewed content items, dates when they were viewed, users who viewed them, earned scores (for quizzes), and how long they were viewed.


Active Users

This report rates users by their activity (the number of viewed content items).

Input: select a user group and specify a date range.

Report header shows the specified date range, the number of users in the selected group, the maximum number of views, and the most active user.

Report table lists users in the selected group and how many times they viewed your content items.


Active Groups

This report rates user groups by their activity (the number of viewed content items). It’s similar to the Most Active Users report, but it deals with whole groups of users.

Input: specify a date range.

Report header shows the specified date range, the number of groups registered in your account, the maximum number of views, and the most active group.

Report table lists user groups and how many times they viewed your content items.


Guestbook Responses

This report lists the data provided by by users prior to viewing a content item.

Input: select a content item, a user group, and specify a date range.

Report header shows the specified date range, the number of private and public viewers who viewed the selected content item.

Report table lists the data filled in by users.


In the report, you can check a user’s position in an organization or group leaderboard.

Input: select an organization and a user group.

Report table lists user name, leaderboard position, the number points and badges they’ve earned. 

E-Commerce Reports

This group includes reports to the history and summary of electronic sales.

Table 4. E-Commerce Reports



Sales History

This report lists sales statistics for selected content items.

Input: select a content item and date.

Report header shows the selected date, organization, user, purchased content item and its price.

Report table lists the content items purchased by users.


Sales Summary


This report lists information on the income received for the selected period of time.

Input: time period.

Report header shows the content item, unit price, quantity of items purchased and total amount.

Report table lists information on total amount received fro every content item during selected period of time.

Learning Path Reports


Learning Path Summary

The report will show you how students are progressing through their individual learning paths.

Input: select a content item, an organization and a group.

Report table lists the selected content items, users who viewed them, organization and groups users belong to, completion status, time they spent on viewing the learning path.