Method: listCoursesModules


  1. Now courses in iSpring Learn can not only contain materials, but trainings as well. To receive a list of all the materials and trainings of a course, use the Getting a List of Course Materials and Trainings method.

  2. The Getting a List of Course Modules method should no longer be used at all, as the response will only contain course materials, without trainings. This method might cease to exist in the future.

  3. With the Getting a List of Course Modules method, you can get a list of the materials of all the account’s courses or select courses from which you would like to retrieve the materials.

Permissions to Run Request

The Account OwnerAccount AdministratorsDepartment Administrators, Course Authors, or custom roles.

Department AdministratorsCourse Authors, and users with a custom role can only retrieve info regarding users belonging to the departments they manage and their sub-departments.

Request Parameters




token (required)stringAccess token. You can obtain a token by making a request.
contentItemId (required)stringThe course ID.
pageSize (optional)string

The number of entries per page. If not indicated, equal to 1000.

pageToken (optional)stringThe token needed to continue to the next page.

Return Values

After the request is successfully processed, the system returns an object with the following properties:

modulesarrayAn array containing a list of all materials of all account courses or of certain courses.  
modulearrayAn array containing information about the material.
moduleIdstringThe material ID. 
contentItemIdstringThe material ID. 
courseIdstringThe ID of the course to which the material belongs.
titlestringThe name of the material.
descriptionstringThe description of the material.
authorIdstringThe ID of the material’s author
addedDatedateTimeThe creation date of the material.
viewUrlstringThe link to view the material.
nextPageTokenstringThe key needed to continue to the next page.

Possible Errors

Unknown content itemThe course with the indicated ID was not found.
Permission deniedThe user doesn't have permission to complete the request.

Sample Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""

Sample Response

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
               <title>The 15 Best Sales Books That All Salespeople Should Own</title>
               <title>The 4 Steps to SPIN Selling</title>
               <title>Dialog Simulation: Selling a Car</title>