Request: GET /content/{content_item_id}/final_statuses

Permissions to Run the Request

 Account Owner, Account Administrators, Department Administratorsor custom roles

Department Administrators, and users with a custom role can get statuses only of the users belonging to the departments they manage and their sub-departments.

Request Headers

Authorization (required)Access token. You can obtain a token by making a request.

Possible Response Codes

200OKThe request has been processed successfully.
404Unknown content itemCan't find the course with the specified ID.
403Permission deniedThe user is not allowed to handle the requested action (not enough permissions).

Sample Request

GET /content/123/final_statuses https/1.1
Authorization: p-1sJDjmULL5DdpXPJTcbm4jVIaWVHvNmrjAxATRbNE

Sample Response

https/1.1 200 OK

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <status>In progress</status>

The 'completionDate' value will be included in the xml for completed courses only.

The 'lastViewDate' value appears in the xml if a content items was viewed.