In iSpring Learn, there are 6 standard roles:

The Account Owner is a user with the broadest permissions. The owner cannot be edited or deleted, and is in full control of the account, including access to billing options. If you create an iSpring Learn account, you are automatically assigned as the Account Owner.

Account Administrators are users who help the owner manage the system. Admins have the same set of permissions as the Account Owner but don’t have access to billing options.
Each Administrator should be given access to view or edit projects and materials they need for their work. Otherwise, they won't have access to the content in the account.

Department Administrators are users who have access to user management within their own department.

Course Authors can add, edit, or remove modules and courses.

Learners are regular users with minimal permissions. They can pass courses and check their activity history.

Supervisor can track learners` progress and view statistics on individual and department learning progress.

View CoursesYesYes
(if they are given access to a project and materials)
(if they are given access to a project and materials)
(if they are given access to a project and materials)
Only assigned coursesOnly assigned courses
Create and Edit CoursesYesYes
(if they are assigned to the Course Author role and given access to a project and materials)
(if they are assigned to the Course Author role and given access to a project and materials)
(if they are given access to a project and materials)
Create and View ReportsYesYesYes (within the departments they manage)NoNoNo
Manage UsersYesYesYes (within the departments they manage)NoNoNo
Manage GroupsYesYesYes (within the departments they manage)NoNoNo
Manage EventsYesYesYesNoNoNo
Change Account SettingsYesYesNoNoNoNo
Manage BillingYesNoNoNoNoNo


Account Owner

Account Administrators

Department Administrators

Course Authors




  1. The Account Owner, Account Administrators, Department Administrators, Course Authors, and Learners cannot be edited, duplicated, or removed.

  2. Prior to March 2021, there was one additional role: Publisher.

    If the Publisher role was assigned to at least one user, it would remain in your account along with the Course Author role. The users who were assigned to the Publisher role would retain the same permissions as before.

    The Publisher role will now be labeled with the This role is outdated message.

    If the Publisher role wasn't assigned to any user, it will disappear from the account

  3. The This role is outdated message will be also added to the custom roles that had permission to create/edit/delete courses. 

  4. All users whose role allowed them to create and edit courses will also be assigned to the Course Author role.

  5. If you assign a user to the Account Administrator or the Department Administrator roles, the Course Author role will be assigned to them automatically.

    If you unassign the Account Administrator or the Department Administrator from the Course Author role, they won't be able to create courses any longer.

  6. The Supervisor role cannot be deleted. It will be deleted automatically if you delete the department.