With the Accordion interaction, you can illustrate a process using successive steps. This may be a procedure of handling a phone call, an algorithm for writing a business proposal and even an office tour for a new hire.

The interaction consists of panels which visually resemble the bellows of an accordion. When clicked on, a panel unfolds and opens a slide with a title and content.

Adding Panels

  1. To add a new panel, click the Add panel button on the toolbar. A new panel will be added to the list of panels.

  2. Enter the panel title and description.

  3. Add extra content to the panel description: image, video, sound, text, character, background or an object. To do this, click a corresponding button on the Insert tab. To make the tab active, place the cursor into the panel description area.

    You can add up to 10 panels.


Arranging Panels

To change the order of the panels, select a panel with the left mouse button and drag it to another position. To select more panels at once, hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard. 

Also, you can right-click on the panel to open the context menu and use the Move up and Move down buttons to move the panel.

Duplicating Panels 

To create a duplicate of a panel, click the Duplicate button in the context menu. A panel with an identical name and description will be added to the list.

Deleting Panels

To remove a panel, select it in the list and click the Delete button on the Accordion tab on the toolbar, on the keyboard or in the context menu.

Adding Introduction and Summary

To add an introduction and/or a summary to your interaction, tick the checkboxes above and below the panels list.

Add title and description to the introduction and/or summary in the editing area.