To enroll a user in a training on their page:

  1. Go to the Users section and click on a user's name.

  2. On the Edit user page, open the Enrolled Learning tab. Next, click on the Enroll: Course/Training and choose Enroll Training.

  3. There will be three stages in the enrollment window: UsersTrainings Parameters.
    If you go back to the Users stage, you will see that one user is already selected. But you can add more users: just start to enter a name, login, and email, and click on the matching user.

    Click the Advanced Search button to select an entire department, group, or filter users by any of the profile fields.

    As soon as the user list is ready, click Next.

  4. At the next stage, select a training. Enter a training name in the search bar, select the desired option, and click Add.

    As soon as the training list is ready, click Next.

  5. At the Parameters stage, specify when the user gets access to the training and which session they will be enrolled in.
    1. Specify when a training will appear in the user's calendar and they will receive an invitation both via email and in the account.

    2. Next, choose the session the user will be enrolled in.

    3. Click Enroll.

  6. On the access date and time of the training, all participants will receive a notification in their iSpring Learn account.

    They will also receive invitation emails (if users' email addresses were specified in their profiles). Participants will be able to confirm their participation or add a notification to their Outlook calendar.


  1. You can enroll the same user only in one of the training sessions.

  2. You can enroll the same user in two different trainings, even though they take place at the same time.

  3. Department Administrators and users with a custom role can enroll users from the departments they manage and their sub-departments in trainings.

  4. Under the Participants tab, you will only see those participants who were invited to the training via the iSpring Learn interface.

  5. In the Reports section, you will find statistics only on those participants who were invited via iSpring Learn. If a participant received an invitation to attend a training outside of iSpring Learn, by receiving a webinar link in a message or by email, for example, their participation won't be included in the reports.

  6. A person’s enrollment in a training can be edited or canceled on the Participants tab. You can also edit a user or sort participants by session.

  7. Training enrollment can be edited or canceled under the Enrolled Learning tab on the Edit user page. You can also add the user's results at this same location.