The email notification template contains variables that relate to different template items.





A logo



This is a required variable and cannot be deleted or edited.

In emails sent to users, the %CONTENT% variable is substituted by an individual text.

To edit the text of a course notification, go to the Course Notifications article.



The text at the email bottom.

There are two options to change a logo in the email notification template.

  1. Upload a new logo in the Design settings. It will be displayed in the email notification template.

  2.  Insert a logo link to the email notification template. This method will fit well if you want to use a logo in your email notifications that is different from the one uploaded to your account.

    1. Copy a link to an image located on a website.
      To do this, simply right-click on a JPG, PNG, or GIF image and click Copy image address.

    2. Open the notification template and replace the %ACCOUNT_LOGO_URL% variable to the copied link.

    3. Save the changes.

    4. The logo in the email notification template has now been changed.

Changing text at the email bottom

You can change the name of the text at the email bottom.

  1. Open the email notification template and locate the %BOTTOM_TEXT% variable.

  2. Replace it with a new text about your company.

  3. Next, save the changes.

  4. The text at the email bottom has now been changed.

Additional variables

You can also add additional information about the company:

Inserting the links and texts to the Privacy Policy web page, the About Company page works in the same way. You copy a link ans locate the variable in the template, and replace it with the link or text.





The copyright text



A link to the About Company web page



The title of the link leading to the About Company web page



A link to the privacy policy web page



The title of the link leading to the privacy policy web page

If you don't need a link to the Privacy Policy page, the About Company page, the copyright, or the footer text, simply remove the corresponding variable in the email template.