1. Unfold the Add menu and select Copy.

  2. In the Copy Modules window, select content items that will be included in the section. In the Content List area, mouse over an item you want to add to the course and click a green plus which will appear. 

  3. As soon as you select all the items to add to the course, click Continue.

  4. Next, choose a copying method: Separate Copy or Linked Copy. Then, click Copy.

    Separate Copy

    The content item will be copied from the Courses section. Its copy will be included in the course and will be independent of its original.

    Linked Copy

    With this option, the copied item and its original will be interlinked. If you edit the original course, all its linked copies will be changed. If you edit any copy, the original course will be changed, as well.

  5. Selected items will be added to your course.

    • Access to the material added to a course from another project depends on whether you have access to the project where the material is stored.

      The administrator does not have access to the project where the presentation is stored.
      The account owner creates a new project, gives access to the administrator, and copies the presentation to the course within that project.
      In this case, the administrator will not have access to the presentation because they are not given access to the project with the original file.