You can add a user with the method: addUser. 

Permission to run the request: Account Owner, Administrator, Organization Administrator. 





credentials (required)credentialsRead the description of the Credentials object.
email (required)stringEmail of the new user.
login(optional)stringLogin of the new user.
password (optional)stringPassword of the new user. If it's not specified, the password will be generated automatically.
organizationId (optional)stringOrganization ID the user will be added to.
sendLoginEmail (optional, default: true)boolParameter that determines whether an email is sent to the added user.
invitationMessage (optional)stringText of an invitation message in the email.
role (optional)string

Assign a role to the new user:

10 - regular user,

20 - publisher,

30 - organization admin

40 - account admin

groups (optional)string[]An array with the IDs of the groups the user will be added to.

Return Value

After the request has been completed, the system returns an object with the following properties:




userIdstringID of the added user.
exceededGroupsstring[]An array of group IDs the user hasn't been added to due to the exceeded user limit.

 Possible Errors



User with the same email is already registered.A user with the specified e-mail address already exists.
User with the same login is already registered.A user with the specified e-mail address already exists.
Number of user accounts is exceededA user hasn't been added because the number of user accounts supported by your subscription plan has been exceeded.
Permission deniedAn authorized user does not have enough permissions to handle the operation. For example, an organization admin can't add users to another organization.
Wrong parametersSome of the sent parameters are incorrect.

Sample Call

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""

Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
      <exceededGroups />