All users of iSpring Learn are assigned to one of 5 roles and each has its own permissions and restrictions. This makes the account strictly organized and takes apart one organization from another. 

General Info on User Roles

iSpring LMS has five user roles:

Account Owner — a user with the broadest permissions who has full access to account settings, billing information, content, and users.

Administrator — a user who helps the account owner to manage the system. Admins have the same set of permissions as the account owner but don’t have access to billing options and the membership.

Organization Administrator — a user who has a full access to user profiles within their own organization. There, they can add, remove, or edit user profiles that are assigned to the roles to organization administrators, publishers, and regular users.

Publisher — a user who can add/remove content items within the account and assign content to students within an organization.

User — a user who has access to courses assigned to them by publishers, administrators, organization administrators or the account owner. Users also can check their score and see the progress of other users and groups in this organization.

Table 1. User roles and permissions

Change personal settings (email, password)YesYesYesYesYes
View ContentOnly permittedAll contentAll contentAll contentAll content
Access ReportsOnly personal history, reports within their own organization if permittedReports within their own organizationReports within their own organizationAll reportsAll reports
Publish, manage and delete contentNoYesYesYesYes
Manage usersNoNoYes (within their own organization)YesYes
Manage groupsNoNoYes (within their own organization)YesYes
Manage publishers and administratorsNoNoYes (within their own organization)YesYes
Change account settingsNoNoNoYesYes
Account membershipNoNoNoNoYes




Organization Administrators


Account Owner

Assigning Roles

You can assign to a user any role except for the account owner.

  1. In the People section of the admin portal, open the Users tab. Click the user you want to assign to a new role. 

  2. On the Edit User page, select a role in the Role drop-down. 

  3. Click Save.

  4. The new role will be displayed in the Users list under the Role column.

Additional Permissions

The profiles of regular users and publishers have an extra Additional Permissions tab. The permission sets for these two user roles are different. 

User Additional Permissions

  1. Open a user's profile and select the Additional Permissions tab. 

  2. Check Allow to run reports for specified organization or groups to let users generating reports on other students. 
    Read more about selecting an organization, a group and content items for a report in the Allowing Users to Run Reports article.

  3. To apply the changes, click Save

Publisher Additional Permissions

  1. Open a publisher's profile and select the Additional Permissions tab.


  2. You can enable two extra options for publishers. 

    Inviting New Users by Email

    To give publishers an opportunity to invite learners to take their course, check to Allow to invite new users to view the course by email.

    Click Save to apply the changes. 

    Deleting Courses

    If you want to allow publishers removing the content items, check Allow a user to delete courses and learning paths.

    After you enable this setting, publishers will be able to delete any course they have access to.

    To get the changes applied, click Save.