To delete a file or a folder:


  1. Select a content item on the Content List page

  2. Click the Delete link in the title action menu.


    Choose Delete from the context menu for that item.

  3. On the confirmation window, click OK.

The selected files and folders will be moved to the Trash folder. You can restore a file later if necessary or delete it permanently from the account.

Using Trash Folder

To access the Trash folder, click the Repository button in the title menu and choose Trash in the opened menu.

The Trash feature allows you to recover files and folders that have been deleted.

To recover a file or a folder, select it in the Trash list and click Restore.  

The content properties are restored along with the file:

You can empty the trash to permanently delete all the files in it.

To delete files individually, select a file or multiple files in the Trash list and click Delete Permanently.